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What to Expect During Your Gynecology Checkup

Going to the gynecologist is something every female has to do. While this appointment can be uncomfortable, it’s important to allow your health care provider to perform your annual exam. This exam checks on the female organs and helps doctors ensure everything is as it should be. But if you are going to the gynecologist for the first time or haven’t been in a while, you may be feeling pretty nervous — which is completely normal. To help you feel better about your upcoming appointment, this article is going to discuss what you should expect during your appointment.

You’ll have the chance to ask questions.

When you first arrive at the doctor’s office, you’ll sit down with your doctor and simply talk. They’ll ask you questions about your family history, sexual activity, and your overall health. These questions are designed to allow your doctor to get a better idea of your health and lifestyle — they’ll also probably ask you questions about drug and alcohol use as well as your menstrual cycle. While answering some of these questions may make you feel a bit uncomfortable or embarrassed, it’s important to remember that your doctor doesn’t judge you, they just want to make sure you’re as healthy as possible.

During this part of your appointment, you will also have the chance to ask your doctor any questions you may have. Whether it’s questions regarding contraception, STD testing, or anything else related to your health, don’t be afraid to ask. If there is anything you’re concerned or curious about, now is the time to ask your doctor.

A general health check will be performed.

Before getting to the physical exam, a nurse will perform a general health check. This includes a weight and height check as well as taking your blood pressure.You may also be asked to give a urine sample. This urine sample will be checked for signs of infection as well as pregnancy. During this general health check, if you have any concerns or questions, be sure to talk to the nurse. While you go to the gynecologist for reproductive health, they are a doctor and can answer questions about other health concerns, too.

What does the physical exam entail?

The physical portion of a gynecology checkup is usually what most females are nervous about. But the good news is that the physical exam only lasts a few minutes and should be painless. There are a few main parts to the physical exam: a breast exam, a pelvic exam, and a pap smear. During the breast exam, the doctor will check for lumps or any other abnormalities. The doctor will also ask if you give yourself monthly breast exams — if you don’t know how to do this, they can show you.

The pelvic exam is more involved. The doctor will look at the genitalia to ensure everything is healthy. Along with an external viewing, the gynecologist will also look inside at the cervix. After this part of the examination, the doctor will place two gloved fingers inside the vagina and feel the internal organs. This allows them to feel something that might not be visible to the naked eye. This part of the exam can be uncomfortable, but it’s important to remain relaxed and breathe slowly.

Lastly, a pap smear will be done. This involves the doctor taking a swab and removing a few cell samples from the cervix. This sample is then cent to the lab where it’s checked for any abnormalities. If any abnormalities are found, someone from the doctor’s office will call with the results and to schedule a follow-up appointment if needed. If something does show up as abnormal during the test, you may be referred to another doctor, like one of the sexual health specialists in New Jersey or a cancer center if cancerous cells are found.

A gynecology checkup can make some people very nervous. But it’s crucial to remember that your doctor just wants to make sure you’re healthy and safe. There is no reason females shouldn’t be going to a gynecologist every year. If money or insurance is a concern, patients should look into companies like HIIQ. This company offers health insurance at reasonable costs, including short-term health insurance. This can allow patients to get their necessary gynecology checkup without having to pay out-of-pocket. So consider checking out some health insurance innovations reviews for more information about these services.

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