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You Have Cancer: What to Do When Those Three Words Transform Your Life Forever


Learning that you have cancer is one of the most sobering things a person can endure. The disease attacks in various forms, levels of potency, and can affect any part of the body. While cancer has claimed many casualties, the good news is there have also been plenty of survivors.

Due to significant advances in medical science, cancer is no longer the death sentence it was in generations passed. The anxiety you feel is real and your situation warrants it, but you can’t give up hope if you want to be victorious in this battle. Continue reading to learn the first things you should do after being diagnosed with cancer.

Process your emotions

After being diagnosed with cancer, you should give your self some time to process this devastating blow. Fear, anger, and sadness are natural reactions—so rather than judging your feelings, accept them for what they are.

Many people feel caught off guard when then get their diagnosis. The symptoms of bone cancer can feel like severe arthritis if it attacks your joints, and some of the symptoms of lung cancer are similar to bronchitis. Being blindsided like that by a serious illness can be overwhelming.

It may be tempting to close yourself off from your loved ones, but now is the time when you need positive people in your life the most. Your friends and family members want to see you conquer your illness and will gladly be there to support you.

Monitor your thoughts and feelings to make sure that you don’t slip into a depressive state. If you get to a point where you feel sad and hopeless more often than not, then reach out to a therapist. Depression can be as deadly a foe as cancer, but you can beat it with the right help and support.

Strengthen your mind, body, and spirit

When cancer attacks you, the best thing you can do is fight back against cancer with all your might. It’s going to take your mind, body, and spirit to overcome this challenge—it’s imperative that you take care of all three to be at peak form.

One of the most important lifestyle changes you need to make is the way you eat. The food you eat has a direct effect on your body’s ability to fight off disease and recuperate. Eat more fruits and vegetables full of vitamins and antioxidants to strengthen your immune system.

Your mind and spirit are equally vital components in your recovery. Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit at once. It’s been shown to decrease stress and anxiety as well as lower blood pressure and inflammation.

Yoga also incorporates mindfulness which is all about being in the moment. Being in the moment is one of the keys to mental and emotional resilience. The more present and aware you are, the easier it is to come up with solutions.

Collaborate with your doctors to create a treatment plan that works for you

There are various types of cancer treatment, and selecting the method that’s best for you is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. You need to discuss all of your options with the experts and listen to their advice, but make sure that your voice is heard. Every treatment has its possible side-effects, but you’re the one who has to live with the results.

Cancer is a vicious opponent, and you may find that you need treatment for your pain on top of your other treatments. Sometimes it’s hard finding a pain medication that won’t interfere with your other meds—so, many people are turning to alternative medicine for help.

One example of alternative medicine that is catching on is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy(PEMF). While it may sound like science fiction, this treatment is very real.

With a pulsed electromagnetic field therapy device, doctors are able to manipulate the magnetic fields of the cells in your body to detox them. This device isn’t fringe science and is actually used in many hospitals. It’s effective for the treatment of pain, depression, and inflammation.

Even though you’re in for the fight of your life, it’s a winnable battle. Be honest with yourself about your feelings and find a network of supporters that you can lean on. Strengthen your mind, body, and spirit to build up your physical and mental resilience. And remember—as long as you’re alive, there’s always hope!

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