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Different Types of Trauma and How They’re Treated


Trauma is a difficult thing to handle. Everyone is unique in the way they respond to injury, mental health issues, and much more. Likewise, every trauma is unique. This means that dealing with the effects of an injury that is affecting your mental or physical well-being will require a tailored approach. Speaking with professionals is often your best option when it comes to battling trauma rising from all manner of issues. Yet there are some additional steps that you can take to boost your resolve and health to augment professional treatment.

No matter the type of therapy or treatment plan that you need, from intensive psychotherapy and specialized medication, to the help of spine trauma experts, the landscape of pain management, mental health assistance, and much more is wide-reaching and very helpful for millions of Americans who need quality of life changes and are suffering from spinal injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) conditions, and many other traumatic events.

Traumatic experiences often involve deep and complex issues.

One reason that professional assistance from a psychologist or other mental health expert for PTSD, traumatic events, and more is so important for diagnosing and treating traumatic events is that they often involve complex injuries that are typically very old. This is true for both mental and physical ailments. A car accident, for instance, can twist your neck or back into awful contortions, yet injuries that can sideline you from the things you enjoy most happen in accident victims that are carrying around unseen trauma in their bodies more often than not. The truth is that we all create mountains of damage in our bodies and minds on a daily basis, and dealing with the underlying issues (with tailored cognitive therapy, EMDR for PTSD symptoms, exposure therapy, medication, and many other treatment plans from a psychologist) that can exacerbate new troubles is a specialty of practitioners who deal in therapy for trauma and other forms of holistic healing.

It’s no wonder that finances are one of the primary causes of arguments among spouses. A car accident or injury in the workplace can provide an acute pain that a victim must handle head-on, but these types of injuries also infuse a measure of uncertainty into the financial planning that families must delicately balance. Indeed, virtually every decision or coincidence that comes through the front door of a family home can be traced forward into worry, thought, or outright fear about money and financial health.

This is perhaps why the coronavirus pandemic hit so close to home for so many people around the world. The inability to work coupled with the threat of intense illness and a frightening rate of mortality has given us all a potent and constant source of complex trauma.

Traumatic events can be treated in a number of ways.

Mental health experts have devised a wide range of effective treatment tools to help combat traumatic experiences. These range from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to exposure therapy or EMDR for more intense cases. Finding and combatting triggers and flashbacks that result from traumatic stress disorder (or post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD) are often incorporated into any behavior or traumatic memory therapy, such as EMDR, or rapid eye movement desensitization reprogramming, however. Your mental health professional will likely speak with you about any negative thoughts or persistent nightmares that you’re having, as well as medication (and side effects) that you are currently taking or may benefit from. A systematic review is the starting point for any new course of treatment in the realm of CBT or psychotherapy.

Again, it’s important to remember that everyone experiences traumatic events and trauma memories differently, so a nuanced approach that takes your experiences and background into account is crucial to finding a resolution to the triggers and trauma memory that you’re dealing with, regardless of the origin of these problems in your daily life.

Find a mental health professional or other trauma experts to help you through the particular problems that you’re experiencing for a fresh start.

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